The event is held for the first time. The formal start is held at the St. Isaac’s Square. The competition is held as both a Cup Leg stage and a stage of the Championship of Russia.
The event is held in its more compact version: the start and finish are near Sosnovo (Leningrad Region). There are just 30 km of liaison for the whole 550 km of the SS.
The formal start of the event is held in St. Petersburg once again. The race itself is held on the traditional race track, there are 43 participants and 8 teams taking part in it. The race is for the first time visited by guests from France and Italy.
The event is for the first time included into the FIA calendar. The start is held at Priozersk (Len-ingrad Region). There are 14 applicant teams in the international classification, and 37 applicant teams in the Championship of Russia classification.
The event is included into the FIA calendar and is held as an international competition according to the General Prescriptions. There are 23 applicant teams from Russia, France, Latvia and Belarus in the international classification, Christian Lavieille and Dominique Housieaux among them. The competition is highly appraised by sportsmen and guests.
The “Northern Forest” becomes a candidate for the FIA International Cup for Bajas. The formal start venue of the competition is given back to St. Petersburg. Super Special is held at the new stadium, which was built especially for motor racing competitions.