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Customs declaration
When you are entering Russia and when you are leaving Russia, you must declare:
- cultural values;
- endangered species of animals and plants, their parts, derivatives and products;
- weapons, main parts fire-arms, shells and component parts of shells;
- narcotics, psychotropic substance and their precursors;
- drastic and poisonous substances;
- high-frequency appliances and radio electronics, except terminal equipment;
- special technical appliances for tacit information uptake;
- nuclear materials, equipment, special non-nuclear materials and corresponding technologies;
- radioactive isotopes, radioactive substances and production made on its basis;
- armament and defense technology.
Besides, when you are entering into Russia and going to transfer into Russia the goods listed below (in addition to those mentioned above) for personal use, you must declare them (in the written form):
- goods that cost more than RUR 65 000 and (or) weigh over 35 kg;
- foreign or Russian currency, securities in physical certificated form over USD 10 000;
- temporarily imported precious metals (gold, silver, platinum and metals of platinum group - palladium, iridium, rhodium, ruthenium and osmium) in any condition and shape;
- temporarily imported precious stones: emeralds, rubies, sapphires and alexandrite, natural pearl inwrought and shaped, unique amber formations, natural diamonds;
- alcoholic drinks in the quantity exceeding two litres;
- tobacco in the amount exceeding 50 cigars, 100 cigarillos, 200 cigarettes, 0.25 kg of tobacco (in case of import of tobacco production of one type only in the amount exceeding 100 cigars, 200 cigarillos, 400 cigarettes, 0.5 kg of tobacco).
Foreign natural persons can temporarily import goods (except cars) necessary for private use during their stay in the Russia without paying customs duty. If goods are not transported beyond the Russia before the set date, these goods are taxed and the person has to pay Customs duty at rate 30 per cent from its cost, but not less then €4 per 1 kg.
When you are leaving Russia and going to transfer the goods listed below (in addition to above said) from Russia, you must declare them:
- foreign and Russian currency in cash in the amount exceeding USD 3 000;
- traveler’s cheques in the sum, exceeding the equivalent of USD 10 000;
- securities in physical certificated form except the cases of export of securities earlier imported to Russia;
- precious metals (gold, silver, platinum and metals of platinum group - palladium, iridium, rhodium, ruthenium and osmium) in any condition and shape (except temporarily imported jewellery including items with precious stones inlay);
- precious stones: emeralds, rubies, sapphires and alexandrite, natural pearl inwrought and shaped (polished), unique amber formations, diamonds;
- state awards of the Russian Federation.
If you have nothing to declare, you do not need to fill in the declaration form. You can choose the «Green Channel».
After filling in the customs declaration please choose the «Red Channel». Please, remember that if you lose the declaration form, it would not be restored and you won’t be given its copy. Providing inadequate information and choosing the «Green Channel» if you have goods to declare implies legal action in compliance with the existing legislation of Russia.