February 23rd 2008, 14:55

Flash Interviews: Everything’s frozen and got even faster!

Today the weather was much more appropriate for snow rallying. The temperature of around 0 degrees is now closer to the minus area. There’re still some puddles on the track, but at least in some sections a thin layer of snow covers the road. The competition is very intense in all categories. Though it’s only the beginning, sportsmen are ready to share their first impressions. So, flash interviews with some of the participants after SS2…


Boris Gadasin (¹100): There were deep puddles on forest roads in their first half, but after that everything was Ok. We drove cautiously, in order not to damage the car.
Ruslan Misikov (¹212): The thaw spoiled the road – there’re too much puddles in the forest. The car was built for competing in Africa and it wasn’t supposed to be used in such a damp climate. The windscreen was misting and sometimes we had a poor visibility. We even had to unfasten our belts few times – just to clean the windshield. There were some technical woes with intercom system that prevented me from hearing the co-driver. Hence, all I had to do was to follow the signs of his fingers. In previous years we got used to a good traction on “Northern Forest”s roads, but today there is no grip at all.
Alexey Berkut (¹202): The brakes on our car failed, and on a fast part of the stage we touched a bank – rolled, were back on the wheels and continued driving. We didn’t lose too much time, but unfortunately lost the windscreen.
Leonid Novitskiy (¹200): Everything is all right! We made two mistakes – overshoot a junction. Whether I wasn’t listening carefully or my co-driver was speaking too quiet… We lost some time. The road is very slippery.
Boris Bukatov (¹221): It’s Ok! Very interesting! We missed last year, now trying to find the rhythm again.
Yuriy Borovikov (¹213): Driving well, testing the car. Driving it to the limits. First section was rather slow for us, nor we’ll try to improve.
Konstantin Zhiltsov (¹203): Everything goes Ok for the moment. The route is not bad, but as for me – the pace is higher than it was last year.
Alexander Oleinikov (¹209): We were too cautious. The speeds are very high - even in the forest! But it’s really frightening – narrow road and trees by the side! It really takes your breath away! Adrenaline! You want it more and more!
Vladimir Frolov (¹229): We performed well. The road is frozen and very interesting. I suppose that everyone will like it, and so will spectators. Results will show… As (Russian artist) Pugovkin said: “Silver ice is sparkling, the ice will give an answer – if something is possible or not!” And this race will show who’s who!
Ilya Kuznetsov (¹207): Everything is perfect! A very beautiful route, smooth and flat. In places it’s really scary in the forest. The weather is getting better, it’s frozen a bit. As for me – quite a successful beginning!
Artem Verntsov (¹205): Perfect! Good and fast track! There’re good crests that give you a feel of flying. Were improving!
Vadim Nesterchuk (¹226): Good and fast route. Interesting and slippery enough. We drove cautiously, but now will try to pick up the pace.
Pavel Loginov (¹204): Good driving. We didn’t train much, and lacked test sessions. The car was completely revamped, we’re getting used to it now.
Alexander Filippob (¹236): Not bad! There were some parts we didn’t actually like, but overall it’s Ok. Big thanks to the co-driver – a perfect work!
Dmitriy Kozhokhov (¹243): We drove well, the road was good. We were expecting something worse. We thought everything would thaw! Actually this is the race for engines – suspension isn’t so important there, except for a 2-km part, which stays the same every year.
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